Can Chickens Eat Yogurt? What About Expired Yogurt?

Is Yogurt Good For Chickens? Can Chickens eat expired yogurt?

Have you ever wondered if yogurt is good for chickens?

Well, I’m here to tell you that the answer is yes! Chickens can actually benefit from eating yogurt, despite its not-so-solid form. While there may not be scientific evidence to support the claim that yogurt can improve egg production, it can still be a great source of calcium for your feathered friends.

But what about expired yogurt?
Can chickens eat that too?
Surprisingly, the answer is also yes! Although expired yogurt may not be as tasty as fresh yogurt, it is perfectly safe for your chickens to consume. In fact, some chicken owners have even reported an increase in egg laying after feeding their flock expired yogurt. However, it’s important to feed them in limited quantities and ensure that the yogurt is not moldy.

So, if you’re looking for a way to supplement your chickens’ diet and potentially boost their egg production, why not consider adding some yogurt to their meals?
It’s a simple and affordable option that your feathered friends might just enjoy. Just remember to check the expiration date and avoid feeding them any yogurt that has gone bad. Happy chicken-keeping!

Understanding the Effects and Safety of Feeding Yogurt to Chickens

Effects of Feeding Yogurt to Chickens

Feeding yogurt to chickens can have several positive effects on their health and well-being. Yogurt is a good source of calcium, which is essential for strong eggshells and overall bone health in chickens. It also contains beneficial bacteria that can help improve the gut health of chickens, leading to better digestion and nutrient absorption. Additionally, yogurt can serve as a protein-rich treat for chickens, providing them with essential amino acids for growth and development.

Safety of Feeding Yogurt to Chickens

Feeding yogurt to chickens is generally safe, as long as it is given in moderation and proper hygiene practices are followed. It is important to note that chickens may not enjoy the taste of expired yogurt as much as fresh yogurt, but it is still safe for them to consume. However, it is crucial to avoid feeding moldy yogurt to chickens, as it can contain harmful bacteria that can lead to health issues. It is always recommended to check the expiration date and quality of the yogurt before feeding it to chickens.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chickens eat moldy yogurt?

No, chickens should not eat moldy yogurt. It can be harmful to their health.

Can you feed chickens spoiled food?

Feeding chickens spoiled food is not recommended as it can lead to health issues. Stick to fresh and safe food options for your flock.

What bacteria grows in expired yogurt?

There is a possibility of harmful bacteria growth in expired yogurt, so it is not recommended to feed it to chickens.


In conclusion, while it is safe for chickens to eat expired yogurt, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that it will increase egg production. However, yogurt can be a good source of calcium for chickens when given in limited quantities. It is important to be cautious and not feed chickens moldy yogurt or any other spoiled food.