Setting Up Your Chickens Nesting Box

Are you a proud chicken owner looking to create a cozy and comfortable space for your feathered friends to lay their eggs?
Well, look no further! In this article, I will guide you through the process of setting up chicken nesting boxes. From the ideal location to the perfect size, I will share all the tips and tricks you need to know. But that’s not all! I will also reveal the secret ingredient to make your nesting boxes extra inviting for your hens. So, get ready to create a haven for your chickens and ensure they have the perfect spot to lay their precious eggs. Let’s dive in and discover the world of chicken nesting boxes together!

Key Takeaways

1. Nesting boxes should be placed in a quiet and dark area of the coop, away from direct sunlight and roosting areas.
2. Provide enough nesting boxes for your chickens, with a recommended ratio of 1 box for every 2 to 4 hens.
3. The size of each nesting box should be 16 by 16 by 16 inches, providing enough space for comfortable egg laying.
4. Consider adding bedding to the nesting boxes to create a cozy environment for your chickens to lay their eggs.

Understanding the Basics of Chicken Nesting Boxes

What are Chicken Nesting Boxes?

Chicken nesting boxes are specially designed compartments or boxes where chickens lay their eggs. These boxes provide a comfortable and secure environment for hens to lay their eggs. They are an essential component of a chicken coop or poultry house, ensuring that eggs are laid in a clean and easily accessible space.

Importance of Chicken Nesting Boxes

Properly designed and placed chicken nesting boxes are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a designated area for hens to lay their eggs, preventing them from laying eggs in undesirable locations. This makes egg collection easier and helps to keep the eggs clean and intact.

Additionally, chicken nesting boxes offer a comfortable and secure environment for hens to lay their eggs. The boxes should be dark and quiet, mimicking the natural nesting conditions that chickens prefer. This helps to reduce stress and encourages hens to lay their eggs consistently.

Factors to Consider for Chicken Nesting Boxes

When setting up chicken nesting boxes, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, the number of nesting boxes should be appropriate for the number of hens in the flock. It is recommended to have one nesting box for every 2 to 4 hens.

The size of the nesting boxes is also important. Each box should be around 16 by 16 by 16 inches, providing enough space for hens to comfortably lay their eggs. Additionally, the boxes should be placed between 18-24 inches from the ground, in the quietest and darkest area of the coop.

Lastly, it is important to use suitable materials for the construction of the nesting boxes. Plywood and furring strips are commonly used, providing durability and ease of cleaning. The boxes should also have a roof or cover to prevent droppings from falling into the nesting area.

Building and Setting Up Your Chicken Nesting Boxes

Choosing the Right Location

When setting up your chicken nesting boxes, it’s important to choose the right location. The nesting boxes should be placed in the quietest and darkest area of the coop, away from direct sunlight. Research has shown that chickens prefer dimly lit areas for laying their eggs. Additionally, make sure the nesting boxes are not placed directly under a roost to keep them clean. Ideally, the boxes should be positioned between 18-24 inches from the ground to provide easy access for the hens.

Determining the Number of Boxes

To ensure that your hens have enough space for laying, it’s recommended to make one nesting box for every 2 to 4 hens. Each box should have dimensions of 16 by 16 by 16 inches. This will provide enough room for the chickens to comfortably lay their eggs. By providing an adequate number of nesting boxes, you can prevent overcrowding and competition among the hens.

Adding Bedding for Comfort

Chickens prefer to lay their eggs in a comfortable environment, so it’s important to add bedding to your nesting boxes. Simple bedding solutions include straw, wood shavings, or even shredded paper. The bedding helps to create a cozy and clean space for the hens to lay their eggs. Regularly cleaning and replacing the bedding will ensure that the nesting boxes remain hygienic and inviting for the chickens.

Providing Adequate Space

When setting up your chicken nesting boxes, make sure to leave enough space for the hens to move around comfortably. Each nesting box should have 1 1/8″ of space on each side and the back. This will allow for the installation of plywood and furring strip trim. If you’re using regular lumber, adjust the dimensions accordingly. Providing enough space in the nesting boxes will ensure that the hens can lay their eggs without feeling cramped or confined.

Maintaining and Improving Your Chicken Nesting Boxes

Regular Cleaning and Bedding Replacement

To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your chicken nesting boxes, regular cleaning is essential. Remove any soiled bedding, feathers, or droppings from the boxes on a regular basis. This will prevent the buildup of bacteria and keep the nesting boxes fresh for your chickens. Additionally, it is important to replace the bedding periodically to ensure a comfortable environment for your hens to lay their eggs. Bedding materials such as straw, wood shavings, or hay can be used to provide a soft and cozy surface for the eggs.

Proper Positioning of Nesting Boxes

The placement of your chicken nesting boxes is crucial for the comfort and productivity of your hens. They should be located in the quietest and darkest area of the coop, away from direct sunlight. This helps create a calm and inviting space for your chickens to lay their eggs. The nesting boxes should also be positioned between 18-24 inches from the ground, at a height that is convenient for your hens to access. Avoid placing the nesting boxes directly under roosting areas to prevent them from getting soiled.

Ensuring Privacy and Security

Chickens prefer privacy when laying their eggs, so it is important to provide them with a sense of security in their nesting boxes. This can be achieved by adding curtains or dividers to create individual compartments within the nesting boxes. The curtains or dividers will give your hens a secluded space where they can lay their eggs without feeling disturbed or exposed. Additionally, make sure that the nesting boxes are sturdy and well-built to prevent any accidents or injuries to your chickens.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

To ensure that your chicken nesting boxes are in good condition, it is important to conduct regular inspections and maintenance. Check for any signs of damage, such as loose screws or cracks, and repair them promptly. Inspect the nesting boxes for any pests or parasites that may have taken up residence. If necessary, treat the nesting boxes with appropriate pest control methods to keep your chickens healthy. Regular maintenance will prolong the lifespan of your nesting boxes and provide a comfortable and safe environment for your hens to lay their eggs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you put in the bottom of a chicken nesting box?

To provide a comfortable and clean environment for your chickens, you can put bedding materials like straw, hay, or wood shavings in the bottom of a chicken nesting box. This will make the nesting box cozy and help to keep the eggs safe.

When can I introduce chickens to nesting boxes?

You can introduce chickens to nesting boxes once they reach the age of laying, which is typically around 5-6 months old. It’s important to have the nesting boxes set up and ready before this time to ensure they have a comfortable and suitable place to lay their eggs.

Do chicken nesting boxes need a top?

Yes, chicken nesting boxes should have a roof or cover to keep them clean and protect the eggs from any droppings or debris.

How do I get my chickens to lay in the best nest box?

To encourage your chickens to lay in the best nest box, make sure to provide a quiet and dimly lit area in the coop for the nesting boxes. Also, place the boxes between 18-24 inches from the ground and away from direct sunlight. Adding comfortable bedding can also help create a cozy environment for your hens.


In conclusion, setting up chicken nesting boxes is an essential step in creating a comfortable and productive environment for your hens. Remember to provide enough space for each hen, place the boxes in a quiet and dimly lit area, and avoid placing them directly under a roost. Adding bedding to the boxes can also help create a cozy nesting spot for your chickens. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your hens have a clean and inviting space to lay their eggs.