Do Chickens Eat Marigolds?

Do Chickens Eat Marigolds?
Have you ever wondered if chickens eat marigolds?

Well, I certainly did! As a gardener, I always make sure to plant marigolds around my garden to keep pests away. But then I started to wonder if my chickens would be interested in these vibrant flowers too. After doing some research, I discovered that not only can chickens eat marigolds, but they can also benefit from them. Yes, you heard it right! Marigolds are not only safe for chickens to consume, but they also offer some unique health benefits. So, if you’re a chicken owner or simply curious about what your feathered friends can eat, keep reading to find out more about the fascinating relationship between chickens and marigolds.

Consumption of Marigolds

Marigolds as a Nutritious Option for Chickens

Chickens can indeed consume marigolds, and all parts of the flower are edible. Marigolds offer chickens a good amount of nutrition, making them a healthy addition to their diet. Whether it’s the flowers, stems, leaves, or seeds, chickens can enjoy the benefits of marigolds. These flowering herbs not only provide nutrition but also offer some unique health benefits to chickens.

Safety of Marigolds for Chickens

Marigolds are completely safe for chickens to consume. There is no need to worry about any toxic effects. Chickens can freely eat marigolds without any concerns. So, if you have marigolds in your garden, you can rest assured that they won’t harm your chickens.

Health Benefits of Marigolds for Chickens

Marigolds offer chickens some unique health benefits. They are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can support the overall health of the chickens. Additionally, marigolds can help improve egg quality in hens. So, including marigolds in their diet can be beneficial for both their health and the quality of the eggs they produce.


In conclusion, chickens can indeed eat marigolds. Not only are marigolds safe for chickens to consume, but they also offer them unique health benefits. Whether it’s the flowers, stems, leaves, or seeds, marigolds can provide chickens with a good amount of nutrition. So go ahead and plant marigolds around your garden without worrying about your chickens devouring them – they’ll actually enjoy it!